Rob-CEG photo

Rob MacLeod, Ph.D.
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Medicine


Deputy Director, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI).

Vice Chair, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Professor of Biomedical Engineering. which is part of the John and Marcia Price College of Engineering

Adjunct Professor of Internal Medicine, in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, which is part of the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine.

Director, Computational Electrocardiology Group (CEG)

Member of the Steering Committee and Education Subcommittee for the
Data Exploration and Learning for Precision Health Intelligence (DELPHI) Data Science Initiative

Member of the AI in Teaching and Learing Working group of the Responsible AI initiative at the SCI Institute.

Co-Director, Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing (CIBC)

Co-founder and executive member of the Consortium for ECG Imaging (CEI)

Past-President, Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Society.

To join the CinC-Community list click on the link below: Google Group

Former Secretary and International Council Executive Member, International Society of Electrocardiology (ISE)

Social media links:


o An unbiased, sustainable, evidence-informed Universal Food Guide: a timely template for national food guides published in October, 2024 in Nutritional Journal. It is full of compelling evidence in support of a plant-based diet.
o #SAFEU, a new web site to improve safety on the UofU campus
o Cycling is good for cognative performance and well being according to this study. In case you needed yet another excuse to get outside and ride a bike, even an ebike!
o Biomedical Engineering Boom in Utah good article about our field.
o How to Apply for Postdoctoral Positions and Choose the Right One
by Anita Devineni. Great set of advice--required reading for all PhD students!
o Mentoring the Next Generation: Fiona Watt
from Cambridge University. She got poor mentoring and makes up for it now.
o A set of 10 inspirational graduation quotes collected by Guy Kawasaki.
o The Myth of the 8-hour sleep , A nice BBC story about our sleep habits and why we should not worry about waking up in the middle of the night.
o Speaking of Research an alternative voice and organization that provides accurate information about the value of animal use in scientific research.
o The importance of stupidity in scientific research by Martin Schwartz, a very insightful and liberating article for grad students and all those who live with them.
o The care and maintenance of your adviser , an article from Nature for all (my) graduate students.
o Chocolate News (for more on chocolate, click here :

University of Utah Administrative Links:

Teaching and Advising:

A message to all prospective high-school students wishing to participate in research with us: Sadly, the restrictions of having minors on campus are completely unworkable for us. Under these rules, for example, every student or person you interact with would need a background check and special training. And even then, we could never meet with you alone. It is very unfortunate that our government decided to overreact to a single situation, albeit a horrible one, perpetrated by a football coach in another state. The result is that having minors on campus has become functionally impossible for us. I hope you consider the University of Utah in your future and encourage you to check out our very successful BME program . We love it when students and their parents come to campus and visit our advising team

BME 2100 (Fall 2024): Fundamentals II

BME 6000 (Spring 2025): Systems Physiology I: Cardiovascular Physiology II

BME 6110 (Spring 2024, again in 2026): Biomedical Technology in Anesthestia and Critical Care

BME 6464 (Fall and Spring): Cardiovascular Engineering Resesarch

Research Interests:

The Computational Electrocardiology Group (CEG) is the umbrella organization for all the research we pursue, specific of which are as follows: See here for more detailed descriptions and images.
Electrocardiographic Mapping:
The recording and analyzing multi-lead bioelectric data, especially body surface potential mapping (BSPM), heart surface (epicardial) electrograms, and intramural potential distributions.
Myocardial Ischemia:
This is a disease state of the heart that arises when blood flow is in some way compromised to those vessels supporting the heart. This is the physiology of heart attacks and our approaches include basic electrophysiology, computational cardiology, and even clinical applications (at least once we are smart enough to say anything useful).
Computational Electrophysiology:
The use of computer simulations of the relationship between body-surface potentials (ECGs) and the electrical activity on the surface of the heart (forward and inverse problems in electrocardiography) to reveal and localize electrocardiographic phenomena in normal and pathological states.
Scientific Visualization:
Development of novel computer graphics tools for the display of multichannel bioelectric data, especially the incorporation of computational tools within the graphics environment for the interactive analysis of large datasets.
Bioelectric Signal Processing:
The application of modern signal processing techniques such as temporal and spatial wavelets, three-dimensional interpolation techniques, and statistical estimation to electrocardiographic data with the goal of better signal characterization and the extraction of physiologically important features and parameters. Software design and implementation of large scale processing and analysis tools for biomedical signals.
Cardiac Arrhythmias:
Rhythm disturbances of the heart is a huge topic and my specific areas of interest are atrial fibrillation (AF) and ventricular defibrillation.
Using electrical and magnetic fields to stimulate and modulate the activity of the brain. Our role is mostly computational, predicting where to place electrodes to stimulate desired areas of the brain.


Computational Electrocardiology Group (CEG)

I love to mentor and collaborate with students and we have a group called the Computational Electrocardiology Group (CEG). If you are interested in pursuing research with us, please check out the website and the contact details there.


The current CEG team

Other Team members, collaborators and labs


Links to other materials and topics:

o Bicycle Info and Links
o Biomedical Engineering and Teaching Material
o Rob's work calendar
o Conference Information
o Documentation
o Grants and granting agencies
o Literature references: how to find and managing
o Miscellaneous information links
o NIH/NIGMS for Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing (CIBC)
o Materials from talks
o Papers and publications
o People: friends, students, colleagues, and collaborators
o Research groups and Resources
o Research results and images
o Travel links and information
o Personal info and links
o Organizations I support
o Writing and presentation information

Contact Information





Snail Mail:
Dr. Rob MacLeod
University of Utah, SCI Institute
Warnock Engineering Building
72 Central Campus Drive, Room 3750
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Phone: (801) 585-1867
Fax: (801) 585-6513

Warnock Engineering Building (WEB), Room 4602

Where to find me

  1. SCI/Bioengineering: The Warnock Engineering Building
  2. School of Medicine and Cardiology

For more maps of the campus, visit the University of Utah map page.

Last update: Sun Dec 24 13:03:45 2023 by Rob